Moving checklist by professional movers from New York

Your Moving Checklist

Tick off each step for a hassle free moving experience

You are about to move, that is exciting! Follow the Piece of Cake moving checklist to make sure every step of your move is considered and planned for.

Start with talking to building management at both your locations – current address and new address – to get across the rules and restrictions for moving.


  • Moving in/out times at both properties.
  • Certificate of Insurance deadlines and requirements (check out the Piece of Cake guide to COI here)
  • Parking Permits that may be required
  • Review building access doorways, stairs, service elevators etc.
  • Minimum notification time for your landlord, often 1 month ahead

Also consider what you want to move, what you want to donate and what items you want to put into storage. If you want to donate or dispose of items begin that process asap and take a look at our guide with useful tips and charities. But you don’t want to leave that until your move day, plan a spring clean well in advance. Your moving company will run through all of your items you wish to move when they quote you. It is important to know what is coming with you.

Picking the right mover is more than just picking the lowest price. You want a mover who is fully insured, will safely move your items and be upfront about any additional fees, or even better guarantee you a flat fee so there are no surprises on the day.

To find the perfect mover you need to ask the right questions.

We recommend you ask any potential moving company the following questions:

  • Are you an insured moving company and accredited appropriately by state and federal law?
  • Are my items insured and protected?
  • Do you offer storage services, both short and long term?
  • Do you dispose of items, furniture and items that will not be coming to the next address?
  • Do you offer plastic bin hire for packing?
  • Is this pricing all inclusive flat fee fee or will other costs be incurred?
  • Are your movers screened and trained?
  • Will I have one dedicated customer service contact throughout the process to answer my questions and help me finalize my plans
There are thousands of moving companies out there but only a handful of those are professional and experienced. We recommend you do some research and reach out to 2 or 3 of the highest rated moving companies, so you can effectively compare your quote.

Your quote should clearly indicate all of your line item charges and any additional fees that could occur during your move. Do not be fooled by cheap quotes, often those moving companies will add additional fees throughout the move which often can add up to more than your other quotes and can leave you with a negative experience.

We also recommend you look for a moving company with a culture that’s based on safety and customer service. You’ll note they train and support their movers to ensure they meet high industry standards, which means they are efficient and professional in their approach and make you feel comfortable to have them in your home.

Once you have chosen your moving company based on the best quote and agreed service, proceed with your confirmation of a booked move.

When your moving day and time locked in you can fast track these key steps:

  • Put any travel arrangements such as flights and transfers in place
  • Notify children’s schools and request a transfer of records
  • Apply for leave from work
  • Arrange pet transfer for international or long distance moves
  • Line up Moving Day care for young children or pets as your home will be open and your attention will be on loading and your removalists
  • Let friends and family know, and ask for help if you need it
This always takes longer than you might think. Allocate more time than you expect and aim to be finished well before moving day so you can focus on final details.

These steps include:

  • Buying packing boxes, tape and packing paper
  • Hiring plastic bin boxes
  • Identifying any fragile items that need custom crating
  • Considering how you will move and keep valuables handy including important documents
  • Marking items to be sold or donated with a sign or Post It note so they can be separated from the belongings coming with you
  • Identifying what you will leave out for the final night and moving day
  • Asking for help if you feel like your deadline is coming up too fast
Confirm all your moving plans.

  • Finish packing and ensure all boxes are labelled
  • Confirm arrangements with family or neighbors to care for young children or pets during moving day.
  • Identify which financial institutions, utilities, insurance, service providers such as the Postal Service, subscriptions and delivery profiles like Amazon need to be updated.
  • Find out the Change of Address requirements for your license, registration and ID in your home state and plan to make those changes within the appropriate time frame.
  • Pick up dry cleaning, items in storage and clear any safe deposit boxes
  • Plan your moving day suitcase with necessities like:
    • Cell phone chargers
    • Toiletries
    • Medication
    • Comfort items for children to sleep at your destination
    • Pet food for arrival
    • Snacks & water
    • Clean linen and a blanket
    • For long distance moves add a change of clothes and a few toys and books
  • Double check anyone providing the new key or access to your new home will meet you at the time estimated for arrival.
  • Address minor home repairs
  • Wake up early
  • Leave young children and pets with neighbors or carers during the loading process
  • Pack final items in your suitcase and store it somewhere separate and secure while your home is open
  • Allocate time for cleaning such as mopping and clearing final items of rubbish
  • Keep your phone charged and ringtone volume on to liaise with your movers
  • Check whether you have funds to leave the moving crew a tip
  • Meet your movers
  • Do a final walk through of the inventory and loading plan
  • Remain available for your movers on any trouble shooting or questions
  • Identify any previously unnoticed damage or scuff marks as furniture is removed
  • Do a final sweep of the floors and surfaces, including removing any rubbish
  • Take final photos
  • Secure the property and leave your key behind as arranged
  • Keep your phone handy on route to the next location incase of delays
  • Call ahead to make sure anyone facilitating access is on time
  • Meet the movers at the front entrance
  • Check utilities such as electricity and wifi are working
  • Take photographs for your records
  • Direct the movers there to set up large items or of any changes to your unpacking plan
  • Thank and tip your movers
  • Secure the property access points if young children and animals will be arriving soon
  • Clean main surfaces in kitchen and bathroom to enable immediate use
  • Unpack your Moving Day suitcase including plugging in phone chargers
  • Set up the bedrooms as a priority, the boxes aren’t going anywhere
  • Help other family members settle in
  • Cover the windows with sheets for privacy with that tape you kept handy in your moving day suitcase
  • Order some take out and celebrate
  • Donate, recycle or give away your moving boxes
  • Revisit your Change of Address arrangements and ensure nothing has been overlooked
  • Schedule a pick up for any unwanted items
  • Write a short review for your movers if they nailed it.
  • Thank your building super and doorman for their help and introduce the rest of the family or fur babies.