Are moving expenses tax deductible?
If you’ve moved house in the last 12 months, you may want to speak to your accountant before filing your next tax return. Some states still allow deductions for moving expenses. Please note we suggest that you seek professional tax advice from your CPA.
You may be wondering: are tax deductible? Your accountant will rightly point out that the federal government suspended the tax deduction for moving expenses in 2018 and that change will remain in place until 2025. While this applies to most taxpayers, one exception is that members of the US Armed Forces may still claim some of these deductions. We suggest that you seek professional tax advice from your CPA as you will see below there are some instances when moving is or is not a tax deductible expense, depending on a number of factors surrounding your move.
If you live in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Arkansas, California or Hawaii you may be eligible for a state tax break.
Can you deduct moving expenses?
1. Military
The recent tax change did not affect the military and we thank you with all our hearts for your service. If you are a member of the Armed Forces on active duty, you can deduct moving expenses on your Federal return if the move was the result of a military order or a “permanent change of station” — regardless of time or distance rules. You may also deduct unreimbursed expenses for your spouse, or dependents can also be deducted.
Tax deductions for moving expenses in this case include household goods, personal property storage and traveling expenses such as temporary lodging during the move, according to the IRS guide. You can also deduct the cost of gas, tolls and shipping your car as well as personal property. However, any expenses associated with side trips during your move or any meals and food will not qualify for a deduction. Use Form 3903 to calculate your deductions and record them on your return.
2. Are moving expenses tax deductible if I moved before 2018?
If you moved before the tax changes went into effect in 2018, your moving expenses may still be tax deductible if you meet the distance and time requirements. As we outlined above, they are: a commute of 50 miles or longer, moving within 12 months of starting your new job and working full time at your new location for 39 weeks or more in the first year after your move date.
3. State-by-state tax deductions for moving expenses
Check your state’s tax codes to find out if moving expenses are still deductible where you live as some states require separate legislation to incorporate any new Federal rules and didn’t change with the recent reforms.
In New York’s case, which normally updates in line with IRS changes automatically, legislation was passed clarifying which parts of the recent tax changes they were not adopting. As a result, you can itemize deductions for New York State income tax purposes even if they aren’t listed on your Federal return, including moving expenses.
4. Time and distance
If you have moved to take a new job in a new location, there are three time and distance rules to meet to qualify for tax deductible moving expenses on your state tax return. Short local moves like those often made within New York City may not apply, unless:
- The commute from your old home to your new job was 50 miles or more longer than the previous commute (from your previous home to your previous job).
- Your move was timed close to the start of work, at least within 12 months.
- You have worked full time at your new location for 39 weeks or more in the first year after your move date. However, you are exempt from this requirement due to a disability or if you were laid off for any reason except misconduct. You can also change employers in your new location within this 39 week period as long as your work status is still “full time” at your second workplace. If you are self-employed, this 39 week rule extends to 78 weeks in the first 2 years.
5. Reasonable Tax Deductible Moving Expenses
Once you’ve met those requirements on time and distance, you may be able to deduct moving expenses on state returns that have opted out of the federal changes, as long as those expenses are considered “reasonable”.
Reasonable expenses may include:
- The cost of packing and shipping your belongings, including packing supplies, crating, hiring a professional moving company and hauling a trailer.
- Moving belongings from a second location, like your parents home to your new location, but you can’t make deductions for moving new belongings, like furniture you purchased on your way to your new home.
- Storage of your items for up to 30 days while they are in transit. This includes foreign relocation storage.
- Insurance of your belongings while they are moved. There is a limit of 30 consecutive days on this deduction also, counted from the day your belongings leave your old home to the day they are delivered to your new home.
- The cost of shipping pets to your new home.
- The cost to disconnect or connect utilities at your new place and previous house.
- Transportation and lodging expenses while you are moving, for you and your family, including car expenses and airfare. This applies if traveling via the most direct route available. Any expenses associated with side trips and sight-seeing on your way to the new location are not tax deductible moving expenses. You can deduct personal vehicle expenses as the actual out-of-pocket charges you paid, for gas, tolls, parking, and oil, if you keep records or apply a standard mileage rate for moving of 16 cents per mile. You can’t deduct maintenance, general repairs, or depreciation. Food and meal costs during transit also do not qualify for tax deductible moving expenses.
Other non-deductible moving expenses to note are the costs of breaking your lease to move or expenses associated with buying or selling a home, such as mortgage penalties, loss on the sale of a property, and real estate taxes.
You are also prohibited from making a double deduction, which claiming any of the above items as individual tax deductible moving expenses as well as business expenses.
6. Employer reimbursed moving expenses
If your employer paid for your moving expenses (and you are a non-military taxpayer), a heads up that your company’s reimbursement is now included in your gross income on your Federal income tax. Reimbursements were treated separately but now they will increase your tax bill, as a result of your move for work.
In more good news, for the Empire State, New York was one of the states to provide exceptions and allow taxpayers to exclude reimbursements from their New York Adjusted Gross Income (NYAGI). When you’re calculating your NYAGI, you can subtract your moving expenses and the reimbursement received during the tax year from your Federal Adjusted Gross Income (FAGI). You can also claim the expense in the year you were reimbursed, not the year of your move. For example, if you booked and paid for a move in November 2021, which your employer reimbursed in December, but was not scheduled to take place until January of 2022.
As a rule of thumb, save all receipts, bills, and mileage logs related to moving expenses, including your W-2 Form and the statement of reimbursement from your employer. If you are an employee of New York State itself applying for reimbursement, the documentation you need to provide to your employer includes receipts from a rental truck or the Bill of Lading from your mover.
Check our Guide to Moving Terminology for a detailed explanation of this document and what to look for before locking in your move.
Whatever your situation, the suspension of moving deductions on Federal returns is slated to be lifted on January 1, 2026. Congress may decide to make this a permanent change, but for now, you have all the details you’ll need for the tax season ahead now that you’ve learned if your moving expenses are tax deductible.
Ready to make a move? Get in touch today for an obligation-free guaranteed flat price moving quote.
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